Clone towns revisited

Recently, the New Economics Foundation (nef) published a follow up to their influential 2005 ‘Clone Town Britain’ report. The updated report has surveyed Britain again and found that 41 per cent of UK towns are clone towns and a further 23 per cent are on the verge of becoming clone towns. The original report explored
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A new focus for education

Geoff Mulgan of The Young Foundation puts it well: “Over the last two decades a gulf has opened up between what education systems provide and what children need. Education systems rightly provide children with skills in numeracy and literacy and academic qualifications. But the emphasis on a set of core academic skills, and a culture
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Why equality matters

We’ve just added The Spirit Level by Richard Wilkiinson and Kate Pickett to our bookshop at Life², and I can’t believe it’s taken us so long to get round to doing so. I remember being impressed by this book when it first came out in hardback, and since then it has become well-known and exhaustively
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Change for the better

There seems to be change in the air: not the vacuous, meaningless version of it pedalled by David Cameron and other election hopefuls, but a sense that we need to address some more subtle issues relating to how people see and deal with the world if we are to secure a better future. We have
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Prosperity without growth?

As a first post for this blog, and to give you an idea of some of the themes I work on, here is a link to a report from Tim Jackson at the Sustainable Development Commission which is cheap nfl jerseys well worth reading. It provides some commentary cheap jerseys on the current economic crisis,
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